Ever had one of those days when something is really bugging you, and that thing makes it difficult to concentrate on any one thing except being really pissed off about that thing. You try to put it at the back of your mind, but it refuses to stay there. The result is that you have the attention span of a gnat and you get really cranky. Well that being said, I currently have the attention span of a gnat and I'm a wee bit cranky, and I just feel like griping about stuff.
Earlier this week I was reading this article online called "10 Things Not to Buy in 2010." The list was led off by "a landline." For my money that's kind of a Duh Factor statement. Not earth-shattering. Another thing on the list was DVDs. Well "Duh," again. I've had Netflix for a while now and it's cheap, convenient, and did I say cheap. Why on earth would I buy DVDs? Anyway there was a lot of "Duh," on the list. I got to thinking, though, "Know how the vegetarian and whole and organic foods people have guilted us all into buying that brown colored sugar that's less refined, because it's supposed to be more natural and therefore better for you?" Well I ran out of the brown stuff and had some basic white granulated sugar, so I used it in my coffee. Guess what? The white stuff dissolves better. Let's face it, I like white granulated sugar better. It makes my morning coffee routine better and me less cranky. Never liked substituting carob for chocolate either, and some of that whole grain crap is like eating ground up processed twigs. Oh, and I like meat. Making no apologies for that. I'm homo sapiens and that particular species is omnivorous if you hadn't heard. Bottom line? Not buying that brown non-refined or semi-refined crap anymore. Not all it's cracked up to be.
Moving onward, the Republican Party just gets nuttier and nuttier, and blatantly racist to boot. First Sarah Palin joined the Fox News. Man if that news staff tilts anymore to the right it's going to fall over. Best short quip of the week regarding that addition to Fox, "Hair and unbalanced news." Not sure where that came from, but it strikes me as apt.
Now, as regards the racist comments from Republican cheerleaders, there are two that come to mind. One comes from Rush Limbaugh. After the recent earthquake in Haiti, the President was quick to offer humanitarian aid to a totally devastated country. Limbaugh went on the air and said that the President was simply trying to "highlight his compassion and humanitarian credentials and boost his standing with the black community." Would a white President have done less? I hope not. Are we, in America, supposed to withhold aid to Haiti in this crisis because the majority of the population is black? I fail to understand how one man can be this racist, this stupid, this unconcerned for humanity outside his own little cadre of rich white people.
And that's not all on the Republican right-wing front. In other news regarding Haiti, Pat Robertson seems to think that Haiti has suffered this massive earthquake as a punishment from God because they made a pact with the Devil. Yes you heard me correctly. Pat Robertson said, in all seriousness, that the Haitian slave revolt, led by Toussaint L'Ouverture, was successful in gaining independence from France because voodoo practitioners there made a pact with the Devil. Now they are suffering the consequences. OMG! Can't wait to hear what Sarah Palin has to say on this one when she weighs in. For the record, seismologists pooh pooh the notion that massive earthquakes are caused by curses from God. Seems there are things like fault lines in the earth's crust and consequent movement in the tectonic plates. Gets a little hairy up top when that happens.
You know, all that griping is starting to make me feel better already. There really are a lot of ignoramuses out there, and pointing out their ignoramusness is great fun at times like this. I really try to be a bit more magnanimous, but it's hard when faced with the utter stupidity of people in high places, or sometimes people in lower places as well.
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