I've considered entering a contest and I have to submit 3 posts from the year 2009. If there is anyone out there who read at least 3 of my posts last year, I need your help. For the last 3 posts I've been off on this navel gazing "Who Am I Really" tangent and apparently some people like that. Over the past year or so I've indulged myself in a lot of different kinds of writing. I've written about politics and religion. I've written about myself. I work in education so I've spent a bit of time examining education. What did you like?
Okay the title of this post may be a bit misleading. Win valuable prizes? Frankly the most valuable prize I can offer is a thanks for reading my views and then coming back and reading them again. Thanks for indulging me and letting me know what trips your trigger. It's just sort of a catharsis for me. I just do it. I get an idea or not. I sit down and I write stuff. When I think it's good, no one comments. When I think I'm just sort of pulling it out of my ass, people go "Hey man that was good." I never know.
Anyway, if you are willing to consider this, email me your suggestions for the best "Views" posts of 2009 at rexray66@gmail.com. Prize? Hey, come see me. I'll buy you a drink sometime. I can show you the actual "views from the 14th floor." Or I could just say thanks for the help. Think about it and have a nice day. RDR
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