Another beautiful day in Streeterville, aka Paradise. Partly cloudy skies and the National Weather Service says it's 92 degrees out. Took the Mini out for a ride to the grocery store, though, and it was 80 degrees at the Mini. As they say, "cooler near the lake," and we are, aren't we?
I was just wondering today, what is it about becoming a famous politician, a famous televangelist, a famous TV star, a famous movie actor, a famous just about anything that seems to promote promiscuity? For that matter, why should we care? In ordinary life, it happens too, just not with the regularity it seems to occur in the realm of the famous. However, when my boss gets caught carrying on with someone he met at work and has to get a divorce, it usually doesn't mean that he loses his job. Unless they were caught having sex on the table in the conference room. That's another matter entirely.
In the case of movie stars and TV stars, having an affair and getting a divorce seems to get you lots of press. People Magazine and all of the others of that ilk may hold you up as someone to hate, but if you're carrying on with the right person, it can mean an advance in your career. Was Brad Pitt ruined for leaving Jennifer Aniston for Angelina Jolie? Not! Was Ms. Lips Jolie ruined for being a man-stealer? Not! Come to think of it, in performs for a living-land drugs and a stint in rehab also give a charge to one's ailing career. A topic for another day, though.
When it comes to televangelists and those who make their livings saving souls, while making millions of dollars in the process, it does seem that an extra-marital affair can be a real detriment to the bucks continuing to roll in. People seem to take issue with that, especially if the extra-marital affair turns out to be with a person of the same sex and said individual is one who has gone to great lengths to decry the evils of homosexuality. "I had a weak moment with Jeffrey. Jesus please forgive me. And keep those donations coming in. We have to save others from their weaknesses."
The one group that I find especially bewildering, though, is politicians. Once you rise to a certain level in politics, your whole life is on display for the general public, and subject to judgement by the public, the TV news, the written media, and your colleagues. Yet, every time you turn around some politician is caught with his pants down, and I'm not speaking figuratively here. The stupidity of the acts, the expectation that no one will catch you is just mind-boggling.
And then it occurs to me. Why should I care? Isn't that something this guy should be speaking with his wife about and not the Republican Senatorial Caucus, or the NBC Evening News. There are wars, and recessions, and murders, and a million more important things I need to be worrying about than whether Governor so and so or Senator so and so, or President Clinton, for that matter, can keep his equipment in his pants.
Yet the Republican Party insists on making itself the moral arbiter of America, and judging everyone in the country's behavior and setting the rules for proper behavior for everyone. This is what is known as "irony" boys and girls. As a group, the Republican Party just can't seem to keep its pants up. And Ms. Palin, aka Ms. Religious Right of 2008, has a daughter out getting pregnant while still in high school, and she is holding the rest of the country up to her ridiculous, excuse me, I meant religious standards even though her own family can't seem to do it. "Irony" is the word of the day.
It's just incredible, the amazing gall. Senators pursuing other men in public restrooms, while promoting a moral and Christian America. A Governor just disappearing for days at a time while having an affair with a woman in Argentina. Did they people of South Carolina pay for these excursions with their tax dollars? If so, I care. Otherwise, just show the photos to his wife and shut up about it. Not real news. Was Bill Clinton impeached because of high crimes and misdemeanors against the U.S.A.? No, he was vilified for lying about getting blow jobs from an intern. (And after all, what man is going to admit carrying on with a woman, not his wife, in public?) "Irony" boys and girls comes from the fact that Mr. Clinton was most vilified by those with drug or sexual peccadillos of their own.
There may be a good bit of rambling here, but my point is this. I don't really give a damn who a guy is having sex with if he's doing a good job of running my country, my state, my city, and if he is not wasting my tax dollars while doing whoever it is that he's doing. If he's doing a crappy job of running my country, my state, my city, and he is the most morally upright citizen on the face of the planet, then I care. I want someone competent running the show. Frankly, if I ever had an affair, I think just facing my wife would be punishment enough. I suspect that is the case with most men, even politician men with huge egos.
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