Another bright sunny day in Streeterville, yet it is still cool enough for long sleeves outside. The National Weather Service tells me that it's 69 degrees outside, but the National Weather Service does not live across the street from Lake MIchigan and its Easterly breezes. The water is an excellent shade of blue and there are a great many boaters anchored across the street, partying, and in all likelihood shivering. Saw one fool in a wetsuit swimming the mile long stretch from Ohio Street Beach to Oak Street Beach. Last I checked, the water temperature was still 52 degrees.
Friday afternoon I went for a run along the lakefront, and earlier in the day it had been 70 something degrees with Westerly winds. By the time I went out the wind had shifted and was blowing off the lake. The temperature at the Mini was duly noted at 59 degrees, not exactly bikini kind of weather. This, however did not serve as a deterrent for at least 10 young women I saw on my run. We're not talking about the active, volleyball playing sorts either. All of the above 10 female personnages were laying about in the sand, attempting the summer tan. Brrrr!
Meanwhile, at Oak Street Beach, the Beachstro had opened and numerous hardy souls were seen sitting outside, sipping wine and enjoying the beach and lake views. The newly imported palm trees have been installed for the summer, to lend a tropical air to the scene, even if the tropics never yet saw a 50 degree day. A mile up the beach at North Avenue, the Beach House was hopping. The rooftop bar there was doing a booming business. Whereas the Beachstro tends to an older, more sedate crowd with gold and platinum American Express cards, the rooftop bar at the North Avenue Beach House is decidedly younger. No wine sipping here. Cheap tap beer is the order of the day. Screw the cold. The sun is out so swim suits, shorts, and t-shirts were de rigeur.
On my way back by this locale, after I had reached the turnaround at Fullerton, and headed back home, Happy Hour had begun. With Happy Hour came a band on the rooftop. I can't say that they were good, but they were certainly loud. That seemed to please the rooftop crowd, with their cheap beer in plastic cups. What more does one need at 5 o'clock on a Friday afternoon in late May. Rock on dudes!
Yesterday was a bit warmer. Babs and I went for French bistro food and then had to try Mai Tais at the new Trader Vic's. Once located in the Palmer House Hilton, now moved to a spot near the Viagra Triangle, it was a real blast from the past. It was like a trip into 1960's America, complete with carved Tikis and an entire menu of tropical fruit drinks, designed to knock you on your unsuspecting butt. "These taste really good. I think we'll have another." Much rum in these things. OK, and I admit to the fact that I did not know until last evening that Mai Tais were invented by Trader Vic's.
Today, it has been sunny, if a bit cool, as previously noted, but Babs and I got out the tennis rackets and equipped with two new cans of balls, headed to the park for an hour of batting the ball around. Once we were actively engaged in tennis, the cool went away and the sweat began to drip. Once again, I discovered that I am really not very good at tennis, but it was fun anyway, and I'm currently experimenting with a two-handed backhand versus the old one-handed that has been with me lo these many, many years. The jury is still out on the effectiveness of two hands versus one hand. I suck at either method. It's just a matter of degrees.
Looking out the window, now that I have returned to my perch on the 14th floor, the water is a lovely shade of blue. The sky is clear enough to see all the way to Indiana. The police boats are cruising among the rows of boats parked next to one another and throwing one big party. Occasionally, it gets too rowdy and the water cops have to break up the party, just as they do when your neighbors get too loud, too drunk, and a fight breaks out. It may be a little bit cool yet, but summer is here. If it never gets any warmer this summer, I'll get used to it, pretend I'm in San Francisco or Cape Cod or somewhere. Light jackets in the evening are not such a big inconvenience. And I remind myself that it's already 90 degrees in the South, and I'm really glad I don't live there any more.